Shipping Policy

Effective April 26, 2023 

Delivery and shipment dates indicated on acknowledgements of orders are estimates only and are not guaranteed. Such dates are subject to change due to, among other things, delay in product availability and circumstances beyond Robertson’s reasonable control. Most shipments will be via Robertson trucks for all stock and flow products. Any direct shipments from vendor to site are not Robertson’s responsibility. Shipping charges may apply. Customer will inspect all goods upon delivery and will promptly notify Robertson of any claims in shortages and/or defects.

*** Please inspect the products for defects upon delivery and/or before installation. The product shall be deemed to be free of defects, damages and shortages unless customer notifies Robertson electric before installation of the product and within 48 hrs after the date of delivery ***


If you have any questions concerning our shipping policy, please contact us at (905) 856-9311 or at